
How to Use a Software Tutorial Video to Train Your Customers on Your Software

Giving your customers the best possible experience with your software is essential to keeping them happy and engaged. One way to achieve this is by providing high-quality training materials that can walk them through each feature of your software in an easy-to-understand way. In this blog post, we'll explore how you can use software tutorial videos as part of your customer training strategy.

Software tutorial videos are an excellent way to engage your customers and ensure they're getting the most out of your product. These types of videos can be used to walk customers through each feature of your software, step by step. Not only does this provide a great way for customers to learn about your product, but it also shows them that you're invested in their success.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating software tutorial videos:

Keep a Software Tutorial Video Short and Sweet

1. Keep it short and sweet: Customers have short attention spans, so it's important to keep your videos focused and to the point. Avoid going into too much detail or covering too many topics in one video. Instead, break down each feature into its own separate video. It's much better to break up a complex topic into a series of shorter tutorial videos than create an epic-length video where the dropoff rate will be high.

Two minutes is considered the gold-standard maximum people will sit through a video. You might be able to stretch this further in a customer training video since you have a captive audience, but be respectful of your customers' time and attention span.

Don't Use Too Much Jargon in your Customer Training Video

2. Don't use jargon: Be mindful of the language you use in your videos. Avoid using industry specific jargon or acronyms that your customers might not understand. Instead, opt for straightforward language that anyone can understand.

Make Sure Your Software Training Video is Engaging To Customers

3. Make it engaging: In order for customers to stick around until the end of your video, you need to make sure it's interesting and engaging from start to finish. Use colorful visuals and graphics, along with an engaging narrator voice, to hold your viewer's attention throughout the entire video.

Stock music does a lot to smooth out stretches of video, just make sure it's genre-appropriate for your audience and doesn't distract from your tutorial message or visuals.

End Your Software Tutorial Video With a Call to Action

4. Call to action: Include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of each video so that customers know what next steps they need to take. For example, if you want customers to download a PDF guide, include a link to that guide in your CTA. And if your video lives on social media a CTA to visit your website and learn more will grab new viewers that might have stumbled upon your video.

Training your customers on how to use your software is essential to ensuring they have a positive experience with your product.

Using software tutorial videos is an excellent way to engage and educate your customers on every feature of your software.

Just remember to keep these videos short, sweet, and free of jargon; and be sure to include an engaging CTA at the end of each one!